13 Lucky Health Benefits of Sex

What Happens during Sex?
Many people do not ask themselves about this because we tend to enjoy it and that’s all.According to Masters and Johnson (two sex therapists), there is a sequence of events that happen to the body when a person becomes excited. This sequence is called the sexual response cycle, and it’s divided into four parts: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. The phases have no separation between them. Orgasm is reached for men during the first part and for women might take 15 minutes more or even longer. During these phases, the pulse rates grow, and muscle from hips, thighs, hands, and buttocks began tense. Blood pressure rises, and endorphins, oxytocin, and prolactin are released in the body at the maximum point.

Here are some best-known benefits:
1. Helps Your Immune System
People who have sex regularly have higher levels of antioxidants or antibodies called immunoglobulin that protect us from viruses. These antibodies help combat colds and flu.  To have a healthy immune system, you should also eat healthily, do sport, sleep enough
2. Arises Your Libido
According to Lauren Streicher (which is an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago) making sex will improve the ability to make it more and better.
For women, having sex keeps vaginal lubrication high, increases the blood flow and makes you want to do it more.
3. Helps Women Avoid Incontinence
If you have a high pelvic floor will help you avoid incontinence which affects 30% of women today. Having good sex is like doing a full workout for your pelvic muscles. Whenever you experience an orgasm, those muscles contract which makes them stronger.
4. Lowers Your Blood Pressure
According to Joseph J. Pinzone (CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness), sexual intercourse lowers the systolic blood pressure.
5. Good to Tone Up Your Body
Doing sex will cost you about five calories per minute since it uses your cardiovascular system and many muscles. A wild party can cost you almost 200 calories so start "running.”Cardiologists consider sex similar to walking on a treadmill. The muscles in your abs, butts, thighs, and hips will tone.

6. Lowers Heart Attack Risk
Sex is a great way to raise your heart rate and keeps a balance between your estrogen and testosterone levels. Osteoporosis and heart disease can be avoided.
7. Natural Pain Killer
Orgasm blocks pain because it releases a hormone that helps raise your resistance to pain. If you have a vaginal stimulation can stop back pain or leg pain reduce menstrual cramps and even headaches. This is because endorphins released during an orgasm resemble morphine, During your period if you have an  increased number of uterine contractions blood and tissue will be expelled more quickly and your time will end faster
8. Better Sleep
Since prolactin is released in our body, you may feel relaxed and sleepy. That's because the endorphins that help you calm down and release tension can relax your mind and body. But beware hot sex can make you feel highly energized not sleepy!
9. Reduces Stress
Touching and cuddling release your oxytocin levels. Studies have shown that people that have two sex sessions a week are more able to face public speaking and stress management. Endorphins are released during sex, and these hormones activate pleasure centers in the brain. The feelings of intimacy and relaxation are created, and anxiety and depression go down.
10.Keeps Us Young
During a study people that had at least four times a week sex with a steady partner where thought to be seven to 12 years young. Since during sex estrogen is released we have their benefits: soft skin and shiny hair.
11.Improves our Mental Health
  • increased levels of trust, intimacy, and love
  • improved ability to perceive, identify, and express emotions
  • reduces inner conflicts
  • when getting older it may affect the way we think and our well being
12.Makes Us more Confident
Enjoying sex with a steady partner can make us feel confident. Also, we tend to love our bodies more and have fewer complexes if we are women and feel stronger if we are men.We tend to self-respect us more.
13.Has Social Benefits
Within a relationship, you will feel better if your partner knows how to please you and to take care of you. You will be more bonded and more trustful also.

Sex Benefits for Genders
For Men
A recent study discovered that men that made more sex had less risk of developing prostate cancer. Also, men who had orgasms two or more a week had a 50 percent lower mortality risk.
For Women
Sexual activity in women can:
  • reduce incontinence
  • relieve pain during menstrual and premenstrual period
  • improve fertility
  • make strong pelvic muscles
  • helps to have a higher vaginal lubrication
  • potentially protect you against endometriosis

Sex is the only thing you can get for free if you are in a relationship.With so many benefits why stay aside, just take medicine. After all, it requires no prescription.


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